Is it even possible to care about how you do hosting SNL when you’re worth $850M? I would think you’re at worst just have that weird rich guy numbness where approval means nothing but a messed up sandwich order can ruin your entire day.
Is it even possible to care about how you do hosting SNL when you’re worth $850M? I would think you’re at worst just have that weird rich guy numbness where approval means nothing but a messed up sandwich order can ruin your entire day.
the fuck
The Hellcat didn’t even have to be that low on fuel at the start. It may have even started out with a full tank.
The word ‘yesterday’ was used on the C&D blog yesterday.
I’ve read this type of comment before. Derivative at best.
Is there a factory in Charlotte pumping out these awful Panther fan couples?
Or maybe we are out of the WC because we lost to Trinidad & Tobego.
Can’t cry over a phantom goal.
Not that the US had a legit chance to win, but since we suck who do we root for?
Obviously, no one is perfect, and it’s entirely possible that it could just be an extremely well made, fine tuned image, but Terry Crews seems like a really good person. Just all around great dude. I don’t typically think of Hollywood figures as people that I would respect (And I do realize how judgmental that may…
>The number of downright abusive and deplorable men in the film and TV industry is staggering.
Bitch, this is like all I do.
Are you not?!
It’s a bad idea. But still......