
Let me guess, if you ride, you don’t wear gear... Maybe a half helmet and some cheap sunglasses? Just because riding is dangerous doesn’t mean you should do what you can to make it more so. That would be like saying crossing the street is dangerous so I’ll just not look both ways and cross wherever I feel like it. Now

It's what plants crave.

This would be my choice:

Sniper and Joker were in the bathroom or shit would have gotten real

60% of the time he works everytime.

MV Exhausts are some of the sexiest metal objects on earth in my opinion.

From a fellow KTM rider, I hope you get it back soon.

There are two separate fires, the author is confused. The Sand Fire is in Santa Clarita. The Sobarones (sp) Fire is in Big Sur both are about 10% contained.

Please keep saying things like this, we need less people here. I’ll help you out a little.

Around 17 years ago a friend and myself were at a Dodgers games and they were playing the Reds? with KGjr and we were heckling him pretty ruthlessly (he went 0/5 I’m not a Dodgers fan and was really looking forward to Ken smashing a few) and on his way back to the dugout, which we happened to have our feet up on

Lol. Wtf is this from!?

I wish I could give you more stars, one for each el Camino you've owned and one for being a voice of reason. Also there is a a really clean Ford Ranchero for sale down the street and I need it in my life.


Cool! Do you have a link to the Popular Mechanics article in case I can’t find it on the google. I could use one for my Dogs in the truck.

Then I stand corrected. I did not think anyone would actually consider watching a movie while driving.

I don’t think he is baiting her but I’m sure he is very slow. My bike accelerates about 10x faster and its not even 400cc. I think it might have something to do with there being nowhere to go on this road and it possibly being a speed trap. I’m betting this guy doesn’t break the speed limit if he can help it (even

I think it was the audiobook, Audible.com just recently released the whole series, narrated by David Hale. It would be a very surreal thing to walk up to a car playing this over the speakers with a dead man in the drivers seat and someone performing (One man doing different voices and accents, some of these guys can

That bike is sexy as shit, if you can even kind of afford it you should get it.

Lmao... Wtf is this!????
