beautiful. I can't effing stand novak
beautiful. I can't effing stand novak
An impressive spectacle, yet her music does absolutely nothing for me.
I don't know who 80% of these people are
When i saw how good he looked in an exhibition game a week or two ago, i KNEW it wouldn't last. He will never be the same Rose that won the MVP and that is really unfortunate.
while i do prefer this stripped down version, it's just too close to "Horse With No Name" like someone notes below
holy shit. that tumblr is very powerful.
In a way, it kind of makes sense for her to go after Minaj. If she was just releasing crappy music alone, no one would care. By knocking Minaj so much while releasing crappy music, she will get way more attention,
end of thread. you win.
Bunch a pussies...just walk it off...... No, just kidding. That is fucking terrible. The pacers have had some bad luck the last year or so. Stephenson is gone, Hibbert turned into a headcase and now this?
Its really hard for me to decide who is a bigger, more obnoxious cunt, Bayless, or Smith. That is all.
What a fucking idiot. He said the exact same thing again in his "apology"
This movie looks terrible, but i might rent/stream it once it is available only to see that fine-ass Scarlett run around on the screen.
when i read that line in the article i laughed out loud.
Minka Kely too? fuck.
I see what you're about now. Bye, homie.
No, "homie," the original poster said pretty much exactly that. But nice try though, adding your two cents not knowing how the whole thing started.
NO.FUCKING.SHIT. My point (in response to another poster) was that to think that Israelis are as removed from war as Americans are is absolutely ridiculous.
i liked the idea but the execution was an utter failure. not funny at all
2 things - I don't think its safe to assume that "most" Americans side with Israel, and while Americans are very much removed from conflict which makes it easy for them to have no comprehension for the absolute horrors of war, Israelis definitely are not.