Hearing the replay of the winning goal being screamed in german freaked me out a tiny bit
Hearing the replay of the winning goal being screamed in german freaked me out a tiny bit
CORRECTION: Arena Football Fan Gets Absolutely Wrecked, Leans Out Over Field, Gets Wrecked Again.
I don't care that Phil is in the front office. Or that they re-signed Mr Ball hog....The knicks will continue their great tradition of sucking hard
What do you expect? He handled the last move like a jerk, got TONS OF SHIT FOR IT, now he wants to try something different and you still want to give him shit about it? Sometimes the bitter cynicism of sports journalists is worse than the worst behavior of the pro athletes that they spend their entire careers…
that was shitty
a photoshoped picture of a celebrity? no fucking way
Yet you cared enough to take the time to read the article and then look for 3 gifs to make your point about not caring. makes sense to me.
He could use some of that cap money for a high tech wheelchair for Wade
Forget Melo why would he POSSIBLY go there now?. Miami is dead. Lebron is gone, Bosh is gone, Wade and his shitty knees will be all alone.
i would say 80% of their fans.
well, i kind of hope he goes back to Cleveland. The fans there will embrace him immediately.
Why would anyone, under any circumstances CRY for a team they were cheering for?? I can understand being disappointed, but fucking crying? I don't get it.
I don't get it.
I see clowns like this in Harlem on weekends. I effing hate them and their noise
I believe your story. There are A LOT of sick people out there.
What the fucking fuck?!?!
Those are some fascinating generalizations there about "every single person in MMA."
I will never respect a xenophobic, sociopathic, hypocritical, lying ass cheater. fuck chael sonnen and good riddance.
Oh, he is absolutely full of shit. He saw a good looking woman, tried to take a picture of her and it backfired.