Good riddance. I find watching murray's game somewhere between watching a child get beaten up and that sensation of taking a handful of sedatives. Either just fucking awful or powerfully sleep-inducing.
Good riddance. I find watching murray's game somewhere between watching a child get beaten up and that sensation of taking a handful of sedatives. Either just fucking awful or powerfully sleep-inducing.
Not me. But thanks for sharing.
you are being generous. no one will care by tomorrow night.
that goooooool was pretty damn impressive
uriah hall is NOT a stud and you CANNOT be serious about Bruce leroy
"She told me I could just walk away. So I did."
He is gone. And i don't blame him. Now if only this fool would play some damn defense.
Well, putting that together was not time well spent.
Not a dodgers fan, but congrats to him. And what is this thing about slow gif accompanied by extra shitty music?
Well, he is a comedian, so you would assume that, but he isn't a very good comedian, so there you go.
I'm with you. Sure, its terrible that the dude is serving in the military, but the simple fact remains that he left his dog with his girlfriend and expected her to be responsible for that dog. If you are asked to watch someones dog, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES DO YOU SELL THAT DOG whether you are working out of town, in…
"confused/malicious/whatever girlfriend"
Once I saw "National Review" my brain kind of shut down - their claim is just beyond stupid. I will say that I just do not get the appeal of Soccer. Its fucking boring. And yes, i understand the rules because i grew up around a number of kids from other countries (S. America, Eastern Europe and South Africa) who…
Who said anything about it being good? Its a simple snapshot aesthetic style that has been copied by MANYphotographers and it has gotten him a lot of work. Those are facts
The guy is clearly a sleazy, unethical prick, but his style, while very simple, has been VERY influential and has gotten him a TON of work. Its simply everywhere and has been copied by many photographers.
nah...that's just you.
The 3 of them walking out on stage made me ill. It was one of the most obnoxious spectacles i have ever seen in pro sports. Fuck all three of them
Agreed. That style of basketball is absolutely beautiful to me
if you found their style of play in these finals boring, i suspect that you are not a fan of basketball.