
“She deserves a level of grace...”? No she doesn’t! And stop turning her stipidity, fame-seeking and self-loathing into some kind of black feminist or black women being attacked thing. Personally I’m more concerned about what’s going on inside of her head than the hair on top.

Tickets to see shitty films sell out all the time, doesn’t make them “good”.

But we all know the real reason he doesn’t want to promote the fight. He can’t. He can’t be Connor. Connor is about bravado and negging challengers. He likes to belittle his opponents before he gets into the ring. His trademark is being a dick. Problem is, how’s he going to be a dick to the guy who TKO’d him. How will

Ronda is currently dating alleged domestic abuser Travis Browne, hangs out with convicted rapist Mike Tyson, is a Sandy Hook truther, described a transgendered woman as “chopping her pecker off,” and referred to Cris Cyborg as an it...but yeah, she’s cool!

Even to this day I will use “like to hear it? Here it is” in that same quick clip when I’m about to tell an embarrassing story :p

Who would ever give a tow company a good review?

Stoudemire was later admitted to a local hospital with a broken meter.

I missed that. Lily Allen is awful so I'm unsurprised.


i hope it never changes. :)

And I can already smell the barrage of think pieces from pop culture critics trying to dissect a marriage they were never a part of.

Or, y'know, maybe, just maybe, people can have different views on what's attractive.

Big ups to Phil Jax for maintaining the Knicks continued irrelevance for at least the next 5 years. I for one salute his and Melo's level of commitment.

I can't help but think La La Anthony's pussy whipping played a role.

at least Riley has some cap space to sign some players to haul Wade's corpse up and down the court. I wonder if they'll make the playoffs...

Billy Corgan and Tila Tequila freaked me out more than him with Jessica Simpson. Oh Billy I've loved you since the mid 90s when I was an angsty teen listening to "Mellon Collie" and "Adore" in my three disc stereo system on shuffle, but the 2000s were not kind to you. You made some horrible decisions then.

"Neymar, Neymar, don't dreeeeeeeeeeam it's over..."

He took another picture of the backside of a white woman and posted it as well. I don't believe for a second that this guy was taking pictures of 'scenery'.