@qcom: Hmm.. ok, maybe 249 max :)
@qcom: Hmm.. ok, maybe 249 max :)
@qcom: For the regular walmart shopper, they won't even know. As for price, my guess is 3DS will be either 189 or 199.
@Yahweh Took My Prepuce: But that's because your eyes are typically going to be farther away looking at a laptop screen than when using the iPad so you wouldn't notice.
@Squalor: Big fan of old school RPGs, I'm totally in!
@greeze: That isn't even the overriding point of why there isn't cut. The entire Mac experience is one of promoting ease to the point of leaving stuff out in order to simplify computing concepts if necessary. To you or I, it's of no concern but for every nerd/geek, there's like twenty soccer moms. Then there's…
Next up: Navigation?
edit: trying the msgs option
@roninpenguin: So how do you two reconcile that fact of being attracted to other people? Do you have an open relationship?
@Squalor: am i too late...?
@aNak: Then you can play the mole game when you've got guests over
@ShinGetterPoPo: You don't believe that? Why not?
@Eric Tate: Do you have a personal tale?
No one's mentioned this yet but there's no back — nothing to lean on.. will get uncomfortable fairly quickly (one of many reasons). It's like a giant floor stool. The other kind of stool.
What two toolbars? I don't remember seeing two; anyone have a screenshot of the old showing that?
@Mickets: Those really were good times. I remember "getting" a heckton of music from that service in college. A HECKTON.
@subterfunk: If the used space on the old drive is less than the capacity of the new drive then of course it will work. Not sure I understand the issue? If the old drive used space was more, then there might be another step involved.
@Curves: I don't have much room on my counter top, not enough to manage a 12" clearance
@The world will know squalor.: Yea, I'm not sure that I have enough room on my counter top though. I kind of live in a small-ish apartment. Good call on the blame though.