
@elementary: Very good points. Puts my mind at ease a bit more about doing that. And maybe I should use a surge protecting multiple plug thing as an added precaution?

The cops didn't even see the guy leave the building despite having all entrances, exits and staircases covered. Strange since the guy called his GF telling him the cops themselves told him about the evacuation so they MUST have seen him. Doesn't make sense.

@Curves: I'm always scared to do this, like a fire is gonna start

So... what was it?

@Squalor: You are awesome, thanks :)

@Squalor: am i too late? vegetables22 at yahoo

@dallasmay: I'm not. I'm just asking if that's what you're saying in a very basic way. Thanks for the advice though. Are you married yourself?

Just wondering: Did you have to write that line in Safari everytime you used the app?

@swimtwobirds: Unless it's two clicks to do something, or press and hold for a different function. But I digress. The ultimate point is that it's one part interface consistency and one part control on Apple's part.

@wanderingrabbi: You use men as an example, but what about women?

@tasteskindasalty: That's true enough but I think what he is getting at is that that 'desire to have what someone else possesses" is seemingly futile since it's highly likely you'll never really achieve 100% what you want so you should be happy with what you have... I think.

@ThomasWolfSwe: But 100% is basically asking for perfection and we all know perfection does not exist. So what are you chasing then?

@dallasmay: Can you tell me more? I think I'm in that situation right now, relationship-wise.

@redman042: Hmm all I know is that the retina display has really hooked me away from the iPad. I may come back around like you but my use has definitely skewed ever since. Jaggy text is just not as nice.