
Still couldn't disagree more. Weight and dimensions are critical to a mobile device. And the MBA is plenty usable and practical, it's a laptop, why wouldn't it be? It still works the same as a thicker one. I also don't know a single person who has used one and said they couldn't use the thing. Furthermore,

How would you activate Siri without a home button?

I guess part of the contract is that the entity who creates the contract is allowed to change it at will. For example, "We reserve the right to modify or change these terms."

I believe it's an in-joke. In the beginning of the series, Riker was beardless. Then a bit later on, he suddenly had a beard. So it's a sort of fan-obsessed thing.

Hmm good point, I guess that does weirdly make sense

darklybishop, could you let me know how you like the N9? I am seriously considering getting one (I'm in the States though). I've heard of issues regarding wifi and email, however (from a Nokia fansite). Have you heard of any issues? If you're cool with me contacting you, I'll leave you an email. Thanks

I'm in love with this woman.

Features wasn't the point. Making it so that any human could use it and a joy to use, was.

And then a few months later, Sprint will drop its unlimited plan in favor of tiers like AT&T and Verizon have. Inevitable.

Not a chance. It'll either match the iPad pricing or will be higher. My guess is it'll be higher. Maybe 599 or 699.

Which? All NYC ones are out

Did you get it at their website? I don't see it there anymore... guess they're gone now?

I don't think Best Buy is your best bet, they're all sold out everywhere.

I'm thinking of selling my 2010 17-inch i5 MBP for an i7 Air. How would it stack up in terms of performance for doing software development (Xcode, Eclipse, editors) and web design (Adobe CS5, lots and lots of different browser usage/tabs)?

Does a 2010 MBP with 8GB RAM perform better than the Air with 4GB RAM?

Ha I thought it was Commissioner Gordon

If it is going to be the 3GS, my thought is that it would be completely redesigned into something super thin. Basically the same 3GS but just super thin like an iPod Touch or something. The other thing that lends credence to keeping the 3GS around is that iOS 5 still officially supports it.

You can't be enthused only because you didn't know his character and thought he was only some brute-force pro wrestler guy and that was it. That sounded a bit like hating but it's only because you didn't know his character.

Let me guess, you don't like Apple, do you? Although I agree they would make a terrible gaming console, the rest of what you say is irrelevant and just plain dismissive of smart hardware design versus bleeding edge for bleeding edge sake, elegant computing practice and philosophy, and a system that has the pros of a

Yea, I think the iMacs aren't new. A co-worker literally just unpacked her new iMac she received today and it already has Thunderbolt ports.