
Couldn't disagree more. Weight and dimensions are inherently a part of a physical device and one that you use and interact with in such a way as to be mobile and in your hands. It's not just being "cool" that drives innovation in this area, it's a part of industrial design that matters when it comes to products in

Why would it mean a complete redesign of the A6 if Apple owns the design and can bring it to another manufacturer without worry? If they *didn't* own the design, then a complete redesign would make sense because they would have to, right?

For people who have tried this method, does your Spotify desktop application show a time limit gauge? I had an old UK account that I didn't use anymore and I just logged in today to change my country to USA so I could use it here. I downloaded the desktop app and it works but it shows the gauge so I'm concerned that

No wonder it showed me a random file it said I could sync to my "iPod, iPhone, or Android". Why doesn't it just come out and tell you it's doing it? That is pretty shitty of them.

Just wondering - Does anyone in the United States who has a UK-based account been able to log into the Spotify desktop application and listen to music? Or does it reject you because your profile says you're in the UK?

Just wondering - Does anyone in the United States who has a UK-based account been able to log into the Spotify desktop application and listen to music? Or does it reject you because your profile says you're in the UK?

I agree with some and disagree with others but overall: No, it doesn't feel like a failure.

Although I see where you're coming from, I still think emulating real-world objects has its virtues. There's a level of sophistication and quality upon seeing a nice leather backdrop versus plain black or digital gradient. And you get an immediate sense of what to expect when looking at a tattered edges of paper in

Friendly reminder: Don't feed the trolls.

You've just described what regular, normal syncing is.

All I have to say is - Great comment. Hearted.

That may be true. Or not. Either way, it's just a guess and not based in fact. As was said, the people there who are spending a thousand dollars to be there are obviously fans and would cheer anyway. And the other people present are Apple employees and ones who actually worked directly on the products being

First of all, can anyone back up the claim that they are plants? This seems like an unsubstantiated claim and one that intends to slander. As you said, only people wholly interested in Apple to the point of fandom would be going anyway so who says they aren't just attendees who are cheering? And if anything, they

Do you have a source for that claim? If anything, they are just regular Apple employees and especially the employees who worked on the products themselves so obviously they're cheering.

Not only that but this top notification bar is an *existing* feature in iOS. When you exit the phone app while on a call, exit the voice recorder app while still recording or use internet tethering, this bar shows up. This picture only seems to indicate that this existing notification bar will be used for more than

Actually, it doesn't. If you swipe down from the top bar to see notifications, then yes, it looks very Android but this isn't what the picture shows. It actually shows an existing part of iOS. When you exit the phone app while still on a call, or use tethering, or exit the voice recorder app while still recording,

Which seriously goes to show you just how unaffecting these sorts of features are to people in general. I know at least a few people who have iPhone 4s and don't know about the multitasking bar. And even after I showed them and got a slightly interested reaction, they still said they wouldn't care to use it after I

This notificaiton bar has always been in iOS. It shows when you exit the phone app while on a call or exit the voice recording app while it's still recording, for instance. But this screenshot seems to indicate that it's now going to be used for "regular" notifications as well.

So Hound and Soundhound are the same app except Hound doesn't do music recognition?

You make a lot of sense - it's about context and the situation you're in. I'll even bet that smiling at a complete stranger has a much more positive effect than something like exposing your biceps and lifting something in front of them (something more within normal societal confines than suddenly raising your arms in