
This is in fact a terrific album, possibly the first great album of 2020.

You’ve got it exactly: His career is nearly four decades old, while the new marblemouthed groupthink outrage to him is barely four years old. The art outlives the artist, or fleeting, trendy fairweather fans’ reaction thereto.

I agree, it’s a great line from a tremendous song. Very replayable.

He shan’t be forgotten. Too many good songs over the last thirty-six years!

Be that as it may (if it may), we’re talking about the music here.

No, you don’t. If you want to enjoy it, for God’s sake, just enjoy it.

A minus?!?! No! No no no no no! Give this stinkbomb the F it deserves! F! F! F! F!

You’re welcome.

Gladli! NAMBLER stands for North American Man/Boy Love Association, a “pedophilia and pederasty advocacy organization.”

That’s not what it means!!!

The Mexican Vacation half of the episode was, in fact, just really good.

That’s a very acute observation that Saul is all talk, Mike is no talk, and Kim is in between them. That really does say a lot about their respective characters. Very sharp!

“...the fact that you could not do a better job — you’d do a worse job”


Yes. You loved it.

Any discussion of evil Furbies is incomplete without paying homage to Bret Easton Ellis’ loony prank Lunar Park, which was released FIFTEEN YEARS AGO, and which features a possessed, evil Furby (written as “Terby,” so it can later be reversed to Y, Bret?) as the story’s main villain-thing. It may in fact have been the

And you loved it, didn’t you?

In general, I’m not a big QT fan, but you’re missing out if you skip Hateful Eight, which is absolutely great, maybe his best.

It’s a fantastic quote.

Midsommar is a fantastic concept botched by lousy execution. Stopstart pacing, scenes cut before they finish, jarring tonal inconsistencies that lack any intentionality, and not a single character in the film, just one-dimensional Traits pairing off against each other. That and the ludicrous first ten minutes, an