Sorry, gang: It’s Liz Lawrence’s Pity Party.
Sorry, gang: It’s Liz Lawrence’s Pity Party.
He got through his hyphy stage over 10 years ago.
Vice was a very good film. The AV Clumb was incorrect in its assessment of its merits. The AV Clumb...was wrong.
It’s only where all the funniest, pithiest, goofiest, strangest, silliest, wittiest people on Earth live and practice daily. If you hate to laugh, I understand, but if you like to laugh, that’s where you go: Twitter. It’s for laughers. It’s very good.
I wonder what Frank Bill thinks of this mess. What a disappointment. For what it’s worth, all three of his books are all terrific—kinetic, raw, vividly written with a unique style, incredibly unpredictable fast-paced narratives that highlight darkly violent subcultures in the rural American poor. It is nothing like…
Yeah, or Jeremy Saulnier. The one film it reminded me of was Green Room, and I liked that film so much more when compared to this mess.
It’s a good word.
This comment should be given all the likes bigstinkycat’s comment received.
But Grammar Nazi’s is not.
Also a song name.
Thanks for sharing your story. I think directness is a valuable and necessary must, and that it is liberating once you begin practicing it. But it’s also honest, and that’s what I like about your story and what I don’t like about the “angel shot”—directness is straightforward, brave, and sincere, whereas code words…
It’s an interesting debate, and you’re receiving far more enmity than you ever delivered. I don’t think anyone would say that self-defense is anything but beneficial, but should women be responsible for learning self-defense skills, or criticized for not knowing them? Hard to say. Fairly unrealistic to assume so, but…
Is this...a bit?
Well, the show is better than it has any business being.
Just saw this. What struck me as most controversial is that, after the end credits, it zooms in on Ashley Bratcher sleeping soundly in her bed. She yawns, stretches, then says, “And now that abortion is cured forever, I can sleep soundly on my new MyPillow Giza Dreams sheets—with new MyPillow Premium, of course!” and…
Back to Breitbart, kiddo.
An A all the way and early contender for film of the year. Those 150 minutes fly by. Completely and utterly unpredictable. Upends every expectation and does so in exciting ways. Just a superb movie from start to finish.