
It doesn’t have to be logical; it has to be accurate to actual human behavior, i.e. illogical. That’s what makes conflict! Otherwise you have zero story.

I know! And it deserves an A!

Your loss.

Negan died so many times. He died as many times as he awkwardly inserted the word “shit” into his diatribes (“Now, who the shit has been shittin’ in my shit and callin it not-shit?”). That said, his role this season has been very limited, and his wanderlust walkabout a few episodes ago was sincerely entertaining,

The Temple Horses’ sketch is...much worse.

Give yourself a little more credit. Your friends do.

This response if far too measured and logical for these boards. Have you not considered some surly polemics?

You mean there are more of these dumbass games?!

Nah, it’s not about standards, it’s about banter. It’s about having a conversation that’s not a script someone else wrote. It’s about callbacks and responses. It’s about talking with your friends, not reading to them. Interaction not recitation. Fun not dullery.

I like the idea; I wish he’d done more with it.

Fair enough, but it’s seeing “how well you know what makes your friends tick” in a predetermined, extremely limited, finite list of options determined by a corporation. That’s the problem. There’s no originalit, effort, or input required on behalf of the players, and therefore, it ain’t no damn fun.

So you’re a Cards Against Humanity player then, I take it?

The Whisperers called the dead “guardians” last episode! That’s why that episode was titled “Guardians”! You just missed it! I’m losing my mind over here!

I was just yesterday thinking of the brazenness of “If You Seek Amy.”

Is anyone going to point out that The Whisperers call the dead “guardians”?! That’s their name for them! Hello!

Boy! It’s a wild theory, though plausible and well thought-out and -reasoned. I hope this interpretation wasn’t meant to be clear. It wasn’t to me.

This episode led me to believe that Edmund Hoyt arranged to kill his own family. Is this right?! If not, what is?

These days, there’s not a show on TV we don’t watch without the closed captioning on.

That’s...not what’s happening. The consensus is saying that Nightcrawler is the outlier, the exception to the rule. It’s still considered good, because it is. It is good.

No show ever written or filmed could ever live up to the impossible standards this reviewer holds.