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I thought the unmentioned second Billy Wayne bit, about HIV, was a highlight, partially in that it was the only nonscatalogical bit, but especially when they reversed the “clang!, freeze screen, invert colors, zoom in” effect on Billy Wayne himself.

Are you guys contractually obligated to use the phrase “year of our lord 2018" in every article?

Two very very funny people, two absolutely humorless shows. Just like The Jeselnik Offensive. So, this is good news, as it allows them to get back to being the very very funny people they are anywhere else.

Shirley Manson from Garbage has a slight resemblance to Michelle Wolf.

Joel McHale is fantastic. His show was not. And that’s the bottom line.

You should watch the videos.

“At the moment you have Gus Fring’s respect,” Mike tells Lydia drily when she tries to rein in his security freelancing; “I’d want to keep it if I were you.”

Strong review and you nailed what’s right and wrong with this series so far. It’s become of question of whether the interviewee takes the bait or not. When he or she (almost always he) does take the bait, it can be hilarious, giddily remarkable, and have damning real-life consequences; when he doesn’t take the bait, it

Yeah, the EDM segment wasn’t funny. It was interesting and impressive as an accomplishment that SBC was able to engineer in a real Miami club, but it didn’t have any humor to it. The clubgoers didn’t and couldn’t know what was going on—who has ever understood anything a DJ shouts?

It did indeed.

What SBC does best in this series is quickly and easily expose people’s willingness to go along with asinine, dangerous, and insane ideas, and in doing so expose people’s various uglinesses (racism, sexism, bigotry) in a way that indicts them fully. He previously performed a silly character to garner exasperation (Ali

Well, the writers have chosen to make Howard more empathetic as the seasons have played out. And it’s a smart choice! But in the first couple seasons he’s written as a one-dimensional smug prick. This new Howard is a very good development for an undersung player on the writers’ behalf.

Woof, those abbreviations. The salesboy didn’t agree to any of this. He kept saying milquetoast statements that were the equivalent of “I acknowledge you just spoke a sentence”—he might as well have said “sure.” He neither confirmed nor denied. And he came off much better than Gio. That scene, and character, should

This episode was 2:2. Erran and the Finn were good and accomplished their goals; Nira and Gio were bad in the respect that their guests, being “spoofed,” came off better than Cohen himself. It reminds me of early Longmont Potion Castle where LPC comes off as more of an asshole than the people he’s calling and swiftly

The salesman was just agreeable. He didn’t implicate himself in any way. He just kept saying, “If you have the money, you can buy it,” which is as vague and diplomatic a statement as you can make. He came across better than this obnoxious billionaire character and made Cohen look groping and dull. Gio needs to go

Sounds like he might’ve been a cartoon dumb-boy.

This is a good Alex Jones impression.

I thought Hickey went down to Young’s caskey not to close the lid but to use that as a ruse in order to steal Young’s ring.

O, I wouldn’t call that a bear, Sean.