
LOLLLLL so cute! Also where DID she get that whole chicken?! (Reminds me of a time as children where my little sister snagged the big block of cheese that mom was about to grate, and took a bite.

Brooklyn Nine Nine and it’s currently on hiatus.

I’m the person who refuses to dance at weddings and even I agree with your assessment

I’ve been thinking recently how funny it is that after seven years of promising to have a super-awesome health care bill with no downsides, when they actually have to turn in their homework it’s such an atrocious proposal that hospitals, doctors, insurance companies, the AARP, ultra-conservative Republicans, moderate

Yeah, it’s the microwave you have to worry about....

So paranoid lunatics with fascist leanings aren’t good leaders or managers and have a hard time hiring competent staff? Who knew?

cruise through Whole Foods on a weekday night. that’s where they congregate.

In the early ‘70s, NYC had a serious rat problem, which became a public health crisis. The city government decided that one effective way to inform the public about dealing with it would be through the children, so they had a series of informational assemblies at every school in the city.

That’s the Fail’s Modus Operandi. Hyperbolic reactions to life’s more insignificant things. That’s why it’s the UK’s paper for the terminally gormless.

Meh..still better than people who refuse to dance and hate fun.

If he is, you’d think he’d get himself a comb for those gd eyebrows

I think it isn’t uncommon for people to make desperate gestures when their marriages are ending. Kind of last ditch efforts to save things, or convince themselves that it is OK. Thank the Gods I didn’t have another kid with my ex-husband...

In order to ensure the longevity of my current relationship I got some other girls name tattooed on me.

Britney’s extensions are her Achilles’ heel. Why can’t she ever get it right? 

Prince Phillip also had strawberry blonde hair. There is lots of ginger in that gene pool.

I saw Regis “in conversation” with Larry King at the 92Y about a year ago and he seemed to be losing his whits a bit. Regis was the interviewer and Larry the interviewee and Reg had a hard time following his own pre-planned line of questions and didn’t seem to retain what Larry had answered just minutes earlier. Larry

Lil Harry with Earl Spencer and Prince Charles.

My husband and I witnessed this at a restaurant. We couldn’t avoid overhearing two guys dumping a third at the table next to us. It was awkward, to say the least.