It’s so sad. I see this alot. Relative finds out husband’s cheating on her. Relative gets pregnant with his kid asap. > ALL BETTER!
Hey Joanna, where was your enthusiasm last week when those Republicans said there was no evidence that we were broken up? You never cover that. You’re only covering news that makes it look like we’re broken up. Why are you being so biased?
I got it and it was funny!
Not gonna lie, this was funny and all, but pretty much just gave me PTSD flashbacks from an abusive and gaslighting ex.
This was funny, but when I saw the title on Twitter it really god my hopes up that he had been fired.
Whenever we drive by Staten Island... the smell... Do they just live with that on a daily basis? Maybe their homes have super powered air filters because my god.
Maybe that’s why they all seem to be insane.
Amanda has a habit of getting involved with men who are not single, when she is not single as well and then fudging the dates to make sure it all looks above board. Sadowski is no different.
Danielle Serini had the gall to send letters
This Amanda Seyfried getting hitched story is juicier than people realize. I was reading blind items about those two for like two years now and to see it all come to fruition made me realize blind items are real dammit.
Pope-endorsed legend, fashion icon, Daily Mail queen, and international pop superstar Rita Ora
i get that a lot of people probably think that because she doesn’t look half black, but it’s more than that: i am old enough to be able to remember what he looked like before he had all the plastic surgery, and she doesn’t look anything like him at all. i can’t see anything in her facial features that looks like it…
Because she has never done a damn thing without issuing a million press releases. It would go against her character to do something quietly. She’s already on her 4th or 5th press release about the break-up. Usually, people issue just the one about that sort of stuff.
It’s been like two decades, and I still can’t decide if Angelina Jolie is some wonderful old-school Hollywood ineffable magic, or just utterly, utterly, awful.
There’s an amazing new invention called a “Safe”
Why can’t they hack 45's tax returns and publish them?
Cole Sprouse was at NYU while my daughter was there and she had a couple classes with him. He is - objectively - a complete dick. The Other One (TM) (I have no idea what his actual name is) is apparently fine, but Cole basically thinks he’s much smarter than he actually is, and he uses his celebrity to shove people…
Well, there was that Hulk Hogan thing...