I don’t think anyone’s accused them of being “Russian spies”, just idiots who are being played like fiddles by a government far, far smarter than they are.
I don’t think anyone’s accused them of being “Russian spies”, just idiots who are being played like fiddles by a government far, far smarter than they are.
Maybe! But I also tend to only whip that out on threads where being a lawyer matters. Like, I’m not saying that shit on threads about movies or fashion or video games...
Yeah. I decided to replace comfort eating with exercise.
I have repeatedly tried to get Lasik. I will probably never be a candidate for it, tho. I wear a -6.oo in one eye and -5.50 in the other and have astigmatism in my better eye. I’ve been assured that the astigmatism isn’t the problem, but that I won’t have enough cornea left after the procedure to see with. Or…
Your preferred source disagrees with your assertion. Some stayed longer than others, but those who stayed a shorter time weren’t just ousted without replacements. Same article (bolding mine):
Tillerson still has no deputy and will combust if he talks to the press.
The distinction so many of the online reactions to the dismissals seem to be missing (and that I’m really glad this article makes note of) is that dismissals of this sort are completely normal for incoming administrations (former Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush dismissed similar numbers of US Attorneys),…
He’s on Dan LeBatard’s radio show often and he is always the same. He forgets he was in some movies and doesn’t care and it’s always hilarious.
About a year ago my former boss sent me the most condescending, mean-spirited email I’ve ever received in my life. I tried to resign, the other boss convinced me to wait until I found a new job, and then two months later they both fired me in the most humiliating setting they could have chosen. I hate the first boss…
That 30 for 30 doc - all nine hours of it - was some of the most compelling television I have ever watched (watched the Cuba Gooding, Jr. one first, then the real one). And dayum, does Marcia Clark look great!
I have met someone who was in school with him. According to that person, Ryan is nice, kind and fiercely loyal, but was THE class clown. He did improv for years. If you let him run his mouth without reigning him in in time, you end up at the worst of the worst jokes. He can go for hours. He likes playing Deadpool…
Maybe I’m being generous, but I read this as that they disagreed on parenting. Which happens when people have kids, and becomes even more deeper once the couple is seperated.
There must be something big to counter his horrible personality and face.
I read that as him trying to release a kind, yet honest, statement after her death. Like I went to a relative’s funeral last year. He was a deadbeat alcoholic and drug addict who was horribly abusive to his wife for many years. And there were multiple eulogies about how he was “the best of us” and never did anything…
January’s hair looks cute. She’s got awful taste in men so I’m not surprised about her liking Nick.
Exactly, RR, Sean Penn, this annoying French guy. I think she is attracted to the image of a smart, passionate, fun guy. I don’t think she can go deep to get know them.
She strikes me as a lot like her character in Vicky Cristina Barcelona.
I realise I am impure in my designs atm because I have a recalcitrant ex tryna fuck me over shared assets, but as Aimee has pointed out, it all starts off amicable but then suddenly it’s not amicable because they are being fucking assholes so you go nuclear.