
The cheerleaders earned between $100 and $1,500 per date. Everyone involved credibly claims that they never had sex for money with any of their dates, and none of the evidence Pylilo gathered suggests that they did.

In completely unrelated news, Coastal Carolina just announced that applications for admission had risen by more than 400%, with the vast majority of the applications coming from middle aged men.

Oooooh. I don’t want to body-snark, but that’s the least attractive cheerleader I’ve ever seen.

Furiously downloading the SeekingArrangement app.

Fuck the refs. They influenced that game about as much as they could without actually playing. And that’s coming from a diehard Tarheel fan.

“After further review, the Patriots held on a play in the 3rd quarter. All of the referees missed this penalty but a viewer advised us. The Patriots points are retroactively taken away. The Atlanta Falcons have won the SuperBowl, the game is over”

Especially when a rules official is walking with each grouping (assuming this is the same in the LPGA as the PGA) and that person (read referee of golf) did not notice the infraction at the time it happened.

“After further review, the Patriots held on a play in the 3rd quarter. All of the referees missed this penalty but a viewer advised us. The Patriots points are retroactively taken away. The Atlanta Falcons have won the SuperBowl, the game is over”

That’s two strokes for the rules infraction, two for signing an incorrect scorecard, two strokes for failing to demurely curtsy when informed of the rules violation, three strokes for crying, four strokes for each PGA/LPGA golfer who leaped to your defense on Twitter, eleven strokes for failing to have the appropriate

Yeah, and none of them jumped off a ladder through a man, through another ladder. That’s considerably more entertaining than the St. Louis Cardinals.

Their barbecue is just shoulder, not whole hog, with ketchup-based sauce. Next.

Odds that the accuser is either (a) an unhappy ex, (b) somebody who was turned down by a cheerleader, or (c) somebody who either didn’t make the team or was kicked off?

Pom Squad: What Happens When the Cheering Stops?

Not many guys are going to balk at paying cheerleaders for a little pyramid time, now are they. :p

alleging that the team was involved in a prostitution ring

Rumor has it the cheerleaders were also part of a pyramid scheme.

Deadspin has become an echo chamber for leftist idealogues. In Scandinavia, where equality of opportunity is actually a thing, women overwhelmingly choose to remain in traditionally female dominated professions. They’re are certain professions females just don’t want to enter into as much as men. Sure there are

“Lonzo, I have a Mr. Todd Marinovich on line 2, he says it’s urgent. Would you like to take it now or shall I take a message?”

This dude makes Joe Jackson trying to ride off of his kids coattails look like a god damn normal parent.

Isn’t saying anything is hilariously contrived in a WWE discussion an oxymoron....?