
Haha, no doubt that is how Sorkin would respond. Since he's so fixated on where people went to school, I'll put my my Ivy League degree against his theater degree from a third tier school any day. The fact that he holds Hollywood on such a high pedestal (as evidenced over and over again in his shows) tells me he

This is without a doubt the WORST period SHOW period EVER period on HBO.

It says a lot about how shitty the writing on this show is when they can kill off a main character to a musical montage and have a will-they/won't-they couple get together and even a normally emotional person like myself feels absolutely nothing. I couldn't care less that Charlie died because he was never a character.

Huh? I hope you are joking. Sorkin's writing is nothing but dumbed down tired formulaic crap. It's all lazy exposition and monologues with absolutely no character development, nuance, or layers. It's all on the surface. It's only smart tv to idiots who can't understand smart tv.

I thought last weeks episode was one of the dumbest hours of TV I've seen in years. But this episode was one of the dumbest and absolute worst hours of TV I've ever seen. I feel bad for HBO, this show is a seriously ugly stain on their reputation as a place for smart original programming. This show is even bad by

24 was one of the dumbest shows on TV

It's because of those similarities people mentioned and the fact that 24 did a lot of stupid things and Homeland seems to be doing some of those same exact type of things. Not nearly as many granted, 24 was just one dumb thing after the next, but the ending too this latest episode looked EXACTLY like something out of

It was a fun show to watch for a little while in the beginning but it was always one of the dumbest shows on television.

Except for the parts with Lieberstein and Novak that episode sucked almost as bad as the rest. The part with the US Attorney was ok until Will started talking. The main characters on this show are so unlikeable and have such an inflated sense of themselves that I don't think they are redeemable.

Yes, it is completely understandable that the twins shares were being managed by trustees who were acting truly independent from Leona. But that's not how it came across in the first two seasons anytime Leona or her son talked about the board and shareholders. You'd think they'd at least bring up the fact that this

Um no Will McCavoy you are not Spartacus. You're just a typical old entitled acting white guy with a stunningly inflated sense of self-importance.

I haven't read this full review because after seeing the high grade (highest ever for this show?) and reading the first paragraph I decided I will finish watching this episode. I started watching it last night and got through about 15-20 mins before shutting it off out of frustration at how bad it was - and this is

Maybe so, but they didn't even try to tag them right from the beginning. Why wouldn't they have tagged the cars as soon as they decided not to strike? It didn't make any sense.

Its not that he's paid well, its that he comes from money. Top command in Pakistani military is like being a politician in the US - generally they come from wealthy families.

Yeah exactly. I love this show but that scene where they just barely bothered to track the Land Cruisers was one of the most unbelievable.

I agree they should have known because they are already under the (rightful) belief that the Pakistani government is aiding Haqqani. They initially didn't worry about the drone being detected because the Taliban doesn't have that tracking capability, but that kind of thinking didn't jive with the fact that they

Khan doesn't have a nice bachelor pad on his army salary, just like most politicians in the US the Pakistani high command in the armed forces come from the big wealthy families.

Haha, the fact that this reviewer wrote that line about it being great to finally see Carrie push back at Fara and Quinn for being pantywaisted made me understand why he has such a low grade for this compared to most viewers. He is seeing very different characters than most of us. Fara and Quinn have been the level

Yeah it was a strange scene especially since they've always made Fara so competent since her introduction last season. I could give a pass for the cardboard on the window being dislodged because that can happen by accident if the tape didn't stick well, but the fact that the bag was opened and spilling out clearly

So true. But that's human nature. We hear about hundreds or thousands of innocent people killed by a drone attacks all the time but there is more empathy when you hear about a single person who was killed.