
The problem is the actor, Mark Moses, just looks like such an unbearable socksniffing douche that he is perfect fit for those types of characters.

Agree that there would be huge repercussions if the they killed the ex-CIA director. I don't know what some people on this board are smoking when they think that killing him would be the real world play. In the real world the politics and press matter a lot. If word came out that the CIA and military knowingly

I think there are some people, the reviewer included and some commenters in this thread, that view Carrie as an incredibly good agent and think everyone should follow along with what she says, even though most evidence seems to show she's a screw up. Those people give more negative reviews of episodes in which she

Redmond was WRONG though. Carrie thought Haqqani was dead too, it was one of her agents, Fara, who discovered he was still alive. Carrie was thinking he was dead and for that reason felt justified in killing a party full of innocent people.

Not only that but with all the satellites and other UAVs they likely have above that region you'd think they would be able to get more online to follow the other two cars. Its not like the entire US military and intelligence system isn't prepared to follow 3 cars at once. They were all on deserted mountain roads

Are you sure? The CIA has proven themselves inept over and over again especially with on the ground work.

Haha, people saving themselves for marriage and not banging each other and getting pregnant in high school is a bad thing? Sounds like you who has the twisted sense of what is cultured.

We don't know Haqqani let his family die. All we know is whoever Sandy was getting his intel from played him over and pointed him to the wedding party.

Yeah Haqqani showing up at that spot when he knew what was going on was kind of ridiculous. How could he be so confident they wouldn't fire at him just because he had Saul? There was also a good minute or so before he pulled Saul out of the car so they could have fired on him at that time. Then he also had to be

Doesn't take much insight for them to admit we lost in Afghanistan. Same as Iraq which is out of control again and pretty much everywhere. For the world's biggest military we can't seem to win any wars we get into with tiny third world countries.

No, the Emmy for Jeff Daniels in The Newsroom was the worst mistake ever. I know all these award shows are just Hollywooders kissing their own butts and full of their own politics, but that win pretty much just broadcast the fact that the entire thing is a joke.

Agreed that storyline is ridiculous. I like the idea of ISI having an asset in the embassy providing them info and I like the idea of them learning about Carrie's mental instability and all the drugs she needs to take. But it was just too ridiculous the way it was handled.

By the way I'd overall give the episode a higher grade, maybe a B or B+ with most points dinged off because of them not trying to follow Haqqani's vehical with the UAV, the somewhat comical subplot with the ambassador's husband as a spy, and Carrie bitching out Fara without realizing how ridiculous she sounded

I think you hit a few good points in your review, but for the most part I disagree with it.

I just watched this on Netflix and completely agree that it was an interesting story ruined by a lousy narrator and director. Right from the beginning I groaned when I started to hear the narration, not only is that often a bad idea for documentaries but Connolly's voice is just plain irritating, he sounds like a 10

I disagree that the real estate paperwork being done at the house was meant to seem like something negligible compared to what was happening with Sonya. I thought all the scenes at the house prior to the firefight were some of the best ever on this show because of the suspense. We already KNEW there was going to be

Learn English and learn to spell before posting.

I don't understand how this show could have ended up so bad. Is Sorkin just surrounded by yes-men who tell him everything looks good? This is HBO, a place to expect quality programming at least for truly ambitious shows and The Newsroom would be awful on network TV.

Seems on par for the worst developed character in the history of HBO on a show that is farther away from its ambition than any other show as well.

Yeah that entire thing was pathetic and lazy storytelling. It was so obviously broadcast to the viewer that the footage of the game in the background would show the video was edited and yet the supposed media savvy guy working on it didn't notice? Not sure why Sorkin seems to hate nuance and complexity and instead