Don't Judge Me I Swear I'm Nice

I feel like naming one brother something that can puncture what you named the other brother is asking for trouble. My siblings and i fought over the dumbest shit. If I could have said “well if I was shot at you you’d blow up” that would have been my ultimate smack down move.

I went back pretty far in their comment history and didn’t see anything that would make me think they were always defending trump. You on the other hand have a long comment history of inflammatory political statements and accusations. I feel pretty confident saying that almost all regular jezebel commentors are not

He is also invested in the company that is building it and since the American government doesn’t seem yo give two shits about his conflicts of interest he will definitely put it through. He will lose money if it doesn’t get built

I think what Akat101 is saying is voting against your own interest and then blaming POC is not unique to poor white people (like in your example of food stamps, if you just put in affirmative action school and work acceptance programs as the example instead, middle and upper class white people will vote against their

You know i think that would work haha

not sure if this was supposed to go to someone else but yes that makes a lot of sense!

Ah I did not know this. By electors do you mean the electoral college?

This, as a Canadian watching it all happen, is how I feel. Like our grandkids will say “why did everyone let it happen, if people knew about all his conflicts of interest and lack of any knowledge of how politics work” and I won’t have an answer for them.

this is the best gif I’ve seen in my life and I wish harry potter-esque photos existed so I could keep it on my desk and stare at it all day.

Man what a massive loss. Never forget rosebudding. For Mark

Yes they will be our spoiled babies as they are getting an entire spare bedroom and free range of the whole upstairs haha. We did have to scour kijiji for some dirt cheap carpets though since they don’t like to walk on hardwood. And good tip about the poop! I just googled it and apparently they have special poops that

oh awesome that might work too!

Thank you so much! Yes about the personalities! Apparently these two are almost total opposites so it’ll be neat watching them explore their new environment. Because they are older we prepared ourselves for all of their ingrained bad habits as well haha. And actually hay was one of my biggest worries because like

I’m late to the party but I have big things going on this week and am so excited and nervous.

I dunno, even the “good clowns” are starting to lose my sympathy at this point

I truly believe All Stars was created just to give Chad Michaels a trophy

unfortunately i think a lot of my peers will be raising very ignorant children. I don’t think the bigoted and the ignorant will ever truly die off. I would like it if that happened though!

I didn’t see myself on a cross, but as someone who has lost family members to suicide and someone who has dealt with suicide attempts in the past, calling anyone who commits suicide in public selfish, sociopathic and unworthy of compassion is horrible. And to do it under the guise of caring about the family or

Yes this is exactly why I love her.

Thank you. You put it so much clearer than I ever could have. This is clearly someone who’s never been affected by/has no experience with suicide.