
Both Ma and Pa Kent have seemed really sympathetic to me. In context it seems everyone’s gunning for Supes and trying to get rid off/punish/control him for essentially saving the world. Presumably he’s speaking to her before they put him on trial (?!) and is playing a bit of devils advocate while being hideously

Because characterization means fuck-all to Snyder. He basically only uses dialogue to get from one setpiece to another. That’s why so much of it is nonsensical, like Ma Kent giving Clark Ayn Rand advice instead of, you know, the way she’s been characterized for seven decades.

I love and hate that one shot of Batman grappling away from Superman. Cause it looks fucking awesome to actually see that in a big budget movie, but also bad cause Superman is straight up TRYING TO KILL THE GOD DAMNED BATMAN! He better have a good reason for this.

I expected Tallahassee to slap some fucking sense into him right after that line.

At this point there are probably uncontacted tribes deep in the amazon who have on the walls of their crude huts, pictograms showing a pair of people in evening wear being gunned down while their son watches in horror. Right next to the pictograms of a teenager boy with a spider mask in his pocket letting an armed

It’s a red herring. Superman killed ‘em.

Because he DOESN’T owe the world anything. If he did, his actions wouldn’t be as noble.

I mean just stop posing and save that family already.

She’s right though. What does he owe the world? I don’t think she’s saying, “So have fun destroying it.” She’s saying, “Don’t worry about what people think of you. You stand up for your beliefs and you be your own person. You don’t owe them a thing.”

Most excellent!

All of my yes.

What is this? A suit for ants? How can you expect ants to operate that? It's too big.

The dress is Blue and White!!

My organic chemistry professor in college once told us that you could tell someone was a scientist by the way they read the word “unionized.”


I don’t know how, but I got Hamburgler style.

Oh, it’s about interior emotions. With a title like “Inside Out”, I was hoping for expecting 90 minutes of graphic depictions of what happens when you put frogs, mice and rats into vacuum chambers.

For instance, what happens when an internet connected brain has a stroke?

I just assumed with the whole transactional nature of their relationship, both sides knew what the deal was.