Box Turtle

Shia LaBeouf wrestling with Tom Hardy

Oh my. That is CLASSIC.

Both of them were underwear models.

We need to demand real pockets in everything. Pockets in women’s jeans nowadays will hold no more than a dime.

OTP 4ever!

He will forevermore be known as FedEx.

“Hey, a fax from Phil! I wonder what he’s got to say... oh DAMN low toner!”

Oh, DEAR. I hadn’t heard this. That is IMPRESSIVE.

Dumping with a text is bad enough, but dumping by appearing in pictures with the new person is low!

I’m trying to imagine one of our current celebrities recovering from that, and it’s hard to picture.

I’ve been getting everyone wrong in comments across the length and breadth of the internet these days, sorry.

When her serves his time for the crime he plead guilty to.

This is new? I had always assumed they were doing this.

This, and China. Superhero movies play very well in China, and make a lot of cash there. The Powers That Be in China are extremely homophobic, and the studios don’t want to endanger that big, big movie cash.

Crap, it’s not installing on my phone. The little progress thingy is going in circles, but nothing’s happening. I WANT MY JEREMY RENNER PORN APP.

I think one of the things I would try to avoid... would be any situation wherein it is extremely easy to make it look like the celebrity in question was personally messaging you about the stream of diarrhea shooting out of their penis

That’s such a shame. I sound like the old lady I am when I say “those damn things are death traps!”

Are they CERTAIN his diet caused him to lose his sight and hearing? Because if eating nothing but junk can cause that, we’d all be going around like Tommy.

One thing about getting big stars as voice actors is that they can do it years and years after their youth has ended. The audience can say “oh wow it’s whoever” and have that mental picture from 20 years ago.