Box Turtle

Hadn’t thought of that, but a good theory! I think that’s happened to human bodies in bogs and glaciers.

This is the only comment that matters.

Was it about a baby shark then, or did it have different words?

It’s a theme park in Gilead, WITHIN WHICH there is a Haunted Mansion.

Why not both?

These all make me smile. The fact that I don’t know who most of the characters are doesn’t even throw me.

Nowadays we wear women’s sizes, or plus sizes. There is the occasional Women’s World department, which seems like it should be a theme park (if only). Whatever you do, don’t pick up anything claiming to be One Size Fits All, because it won’t.

I watched a little of that. While the Queen was speaking, it looked like he was valiantly fighting to stay awake.

He looks as if he were spontaneously generated from skim milk.

I used to contract with a Big Company, and we would get points for doing an extra special job. These points could be cashed in on stuff from a catalog.

Sometimes I listen to music and stuff on my laptop pc, mostly synced to my Apple account. I’ll be needing something to to that with. I certainly hope Apple hasn’t forgotten those of us who use it that way.

What about both?

Wow, if I were in my reproductive years I would keep this on hand all the time, just in case! If I were already worried about getting pregnant, I might have trouble thinking clearly enough to figure out where to get it, if I needed a prescription, etc.

What, only half?

What does a real lion actually LOOK like, smiling? Or singing? Or doing various other not-very-lion-like things?

My sisters and I watched that like mad when we were kids. It was BEAUTIFUL. And then The Lion King came around and did the same thing, but not as well.

Yeah, he’s all right with me. He’s not a model, but why should he be?

Obviously the first act of the new administration is going to be building lots and lots of ramps. And THEN they can get around to the bordellos.

The article doesn’t even mention the horrors of leg-lengthening surgery - months and months of agony for an inch or two more height. This was a big topic on Reddit for a while. SO WORTH IT.

These are a few of my favorite things!