Box Turtle

Maybe he gets regular clothes and then uses the magic of science to expand them?

You’d think that when he was doing the whole integration process, he’d get Lasic done.

Drogon (and the others) have glands in the sides of their mouth like this:

For all we know, Drogon might continue growing after the show is over. He will have some peace and quiet to refresh himself, without all the plot things running around.

I picture her living in there alone, with only her portraits keeping her company.

Other royals have abdicated. Oh, it’s trickier than I thought (per Wikipedia):

Oh, she’s going to live forever. There’s no way around it.

You can be much more effective at creeping if you don’t look like a creep.

I cannot agree MORE with you. The idea of women’s bathrooms as some sort of exotic, seduction-adjacent oasis is nonsensical. Yo, we go in, we relieve ourselves, we wash our hands, maybe we freshen up the lipstick. If we’re in a group, we’ll probably talk about somebody who’s not in the group. And then we LEAVE!

comedy clubs he books are now sharing a copyright notice with attendees to make sure they absolutely do not redistribute or reproduce any of the material

Or it might have ended... VERY WELL.

Our neighbors knocked on our door to inform us that a six-foot gator was migrating from one pond to another via our front yard. I missed it because I was out getting groceries. DAMN! Would loved to have seen it.

It’s possible the turtles were endangered and being smuggled for the exotic pet trade. As for the alligator, god only knows.

I call them his backup dancers.

My ex often warned me about having a stroke while my hair was being washed at a salon. I always thought he was messing with me, but no! It’s rare, but it’s a thing.

Wakefield lost his license to practice medicine, but his many fans don’t seem to care.

Best guy I was ever with was five foot zero. Enthusiastic, funny, and the least insecure guy I’d ever met. He came around a few times a year for music events, and the ladies absolutely competed for him.

And a shirt from Big and Tall is going to cost you big time, because they know you can’t shop anywhere else.