
I've seen this clip many times. And it just highlights how the FD-3S Mazda RX-7 is probably the most beautiful Japanese car ever made.

Weak without that big ass gun in the middle.

The fuel leakage was a small part of the problem and one of several reasons for launching with half empty tanks on the SR-71. The blackbird is a flying fueltank...

Both, the SR-71 and A-12 would hit the tanker soon after departure as the jet just poured fuel sitting cool on the ramp. Then multiple tanking evolutions were needed to accomplish the mission depending on what that mission was.

If this was called a Lightning, I'd have a problem with it. It's not.

Low 50's for first time is good. I'm no pro but you should still be proud of doing low 50's on a "sporty" truck.

Oh wow! I knew about the plane leakage at launch but had no idea it was that bad. o.o

They had to do this for every mission since the bird leaked like a sieve until it heated up from friction so the seals could do their thing.

The South Shore (Longueuil) of Montreal, Quebec. I live there, and I must say that driving without tires is a normal occurrence.

Why have your wife ride right beside you when she can go in the windowless back where she belongs (when she's not in the kitchen)? Also, notice our "feet right through the floorboards" feature.

The brakes are fantamazing. I'd like to see a better sport transmission interface though.

...Exactly. It's not the "new Lightning" it's just a sporty F-150. Not eyeball-suckingly fast, but not a slouch.

It's Ford's low budget "solution" to a real performance truck.

Because its not supposed to replace or compete with the lightning. Notice how there aren't any SVT badges? Its just an FX2 trim line with the same stock EcoBoost that any other F-150 has. If they were trying to !ale another lightning, they would have just made one.

wait, so you're telling me less HP and torque AND more weight means slower? huh!

That's like asking if a HMMWV is better than a VW GTI in almost every single way.

Zero-degrees of bacon.

I love bacon. Kevin Bacon's last name is Bacon. One move.