
That's a wagon.

Yes. First thing that came up when using my Google-Fu. It doesn't mean it's not a good idea.

looks familiar. not bad.

This is how you integrate your signature grille into your lineup. Witness the Wrong Way:

I like the Ford grilles, whether people want to complain about it being Aston-ish or not. I think they look great and I'm not afraid to say it. This makes me want a Focus so much more

I said it on Oppo as well, but this front end is much more mature, less "I'm hungry". It works well with the overall design.

No, if you know how to drive you're fine. Audis are for people who think AWD= immunity. I'll take my rwd BMW over an Audi any day in the snow. I'd rather drive in the snow knowing my limits and be cautious than some idiot with awd thinking they're fine. I've driven through every snow storms peak this winter in

It does snow in Texas

someone at volvo has got to be a jalop. this is too coincidental.

It's just like "station wagon" or "estate car". It's descended from older vehicles that were used for what they sound like. Station wagons were for getting people from the train station and bringing them somewhere. Estate cars were for your country home (if you were wealthy enough to have one). Shooting brakes

Volvo and/or Saab need to relight the flame of enthusiasts. If you can't sell a model like this on a mass production numbers scale, boutique it. Create a specialty shop under your corporate umbrella, create the concepts, and sell the radical variations (like this) under the sub-brand and let the styling trickle over

D-d-d-d-diesel with manual??? They've already confirmed 2 of 4 Jalop unicorn requirements...

First thing I thought of when I saw that profile...

Great, now I won't be able to sleep until they release it at Geneva, fretting over what I'm going to do if it's RWD and manual. Thanks Volvo!

If only pricing wasnt going to start at approximately what i make in a year...


Now, this is a goddamn teaser. Well done, Volvo's photographic team or unrelated agency that was hired to do this shoot.

*Heart Attack*

I'm having a crisis

Please be a modern-day P1800.