
I'm noticing the Scoob market is heeeeavily regional. Texas = relatively rust-free beater Subies are cheap and plentiful. A few hundred bucks will get you a weird little car with an odd-sounding flat engine put in the wrong end, and the previous owner probably didn't even know or care that they could hoon it. The

DUUUUUUUDE. Buy ALL the TR7s. Then you have ample spares and/or cars to plop friends into. Think of it as Spec TR7.

Learn his (Putin's) policies first, Torchinsky, then talk about them like you know two shits. You can have all the gay butfuk sex you want, as long as its in the PRIVACY of your home, and not talk about it in the public. I sure as hell don't want my kids' brains polutted with this faggetry crap. Two men or two women

He's right a huge amount of the world doesn't support gay "rights".

To be honest, the story of Sealand and Bates is even more incredible than the forts themselves. A proper lunatic!

I'm guessing it is because they are modulated like most LEDs on cars now. We were actually just discussing that topic yesterday about the McLaren P1.

Just a suggestion, but when using sarcasm on the internet you might want to put quotation marks around the sarcastic bit. I wasn't sure how to take the headline either.

I've actually met Rowe in person before several years ago, and he seemed like a genuinely good guy. Of course, the meeting was short and you can never truly know a person anymore than you can truly know yourself, but I think Rowe would only partner with Walmart if he really felt they were making some kind of

"If I'm honest, I don't personally care either way about Mike Rowe or his choice, and I could be persuaded to believe this whole thing is a bit overblown."

import and consume all the things! i like your thinking, because really, who needs expensive educations and jobs that require hard work producing things when you can just raise the minimum wage and everyone gets a nice service job. I mean its not like we haven't been successful exporting a large portion of our

I've been bitching about this for awhile now. It just goes to show you how politicized out culture is becoming; which has been exasperated by the rise of the blogosphere. And these young and inexperienced bloggers seem to buy in to the hipster political meme of the day like so many black rim bespectacled sheep. If

Great comment, but could have used a Birkenstock reference and remark about how he's never left New York.

No, no. You've got it all wrong. Walmart does not create jobs. A free market does not create jobs or raise the standard of living for the common man. The government does that for you... stop working so hard and let them take care of you! What we need to do is take that $250 billion that Walmart is investing in US

America isn't as racist as you think. It's just, the Racists are getting more racist, if you catch my drift.

essentially, Black people, Hispanics, Asians, etc are all part of the "Good Ol' Boys" now. We all work together. Seriously, go to a construction site and tell me everyone isn't working hand in hand, regardless

I work for one of the companies that is benefitting from Walmart's "Buy American" push. While Walmart isn't the only customer who is keeping our plant open, it darn sure helps.

Really. "Shill for the oppressors."

God-forbid a guy who's gone around and worked on shit-farms have an opinion that contradicts that of a university professor who wouldn't know which way to hold a shovel if you stuck it up his ass and planted him in a garden as the scarecrow.

This. This is also why the minimum wage should absolutely not go up. There has almost never been a time when I walked into a WalMart and thought "wow, that guy deserves a raise!"

Now playing

Denis Leary still does Ford commercials, right? That's part of it.

Been noticing a trend of Jalopnik becoming increasingly more about social or political commentary than about hard car news or information. The past couple of stories I've read on Morning Shift has been only vaguely related to cars or at least uses some sort of car connection to make a commentary about something else.