
Yeah, this one seems like a great big mess already. You’d think dangerous clowns would fit perfectly in a satire of Trumpism, but good satire usually has to have a laser-like focus, and that’s completely at odds with Ryan Murphy’s attention deficit style. The clowns look good— great designs— but I already feel tired

There was one scene that felt genuinely tense to me - Peters getting up to give his ridiculous nihilist-bro speech to the city council and then seething with resentment at being swatted away. There was an edge to that - what he’s saying is repulsive but they underestimate just what he might represent. Otherwise it

For 16 episodes my reaction to The Return ranged from cautious optimism to outright anger. But these last 2 really made everything click in to place. Everything you’ve said is spot on, but I also think there is an element of turning the idea of a reboot back in to the fans that wanted it. In essence, they are

Maybe it’s Baby’s First Critical Analysis to suggest that Twin Peaks: The Return is an extended meditation on both itself and the original run of episodes, but that’s the most coherent interpretation I have so far. I guess the only insight less piercing than that would be “Dale Cooper symbolically represents the

Already hate the hell out of this.