Lexus LC500. It checks all my boxes- good looking, just practical enough to assuage any guilt over buying something “sporty”, good enough performer, and Lexus reliability/build quality.
Lexus LC500. It checks all my boxes- good looking, just practical enough to assuage any guilt over buying something “sporty”, good enough performer, and Lexus reliability/build quality.
I think the most blatantly obvious one was missed. Look at an 88 Camry and Maxima. Then look at an 89 Maxima. Then look at a 92 Camry. Hmmm.
It just dawned on me that this thing looks like a Subaru BRZ with a mismatched aftermarket body kit. In fact, that would probably look LESS horrible.
Just utterly awful from the front, side, and rear. They didn’t just swing and miss, the bat flew into a crowd of nuns and orphans. Fugly ass car no matter how you slice it.
I’ll still contend they don’t need it at all. It’s a stupid gimmick. Who cares if there are a million passes if none of them were earned, and just allowed by this dumbass device?
And I suppose you think giving passing opportunities that the lead driver has no chance to defend is a good idea. It isn’t racing, it’s managed entertainment.
They have to toe the company line and everyone knows it. They couldn’t say anything bad without repurcussions even if they wanted to.
The new car is good, DRS is still an absolute fucking travesty that needs to be removed. Every pass is cheap and unearned as long as it exists. They needed it with the old garbage cars, they don’t now. Every race where a shitty gimmick decides the outcome is a shitty race.
That isn’t a Corvette. It’s a Pep Boys accessories aisle arranged into a vaguely Corvette-like shape.
Came here to say the same thing. The Veyron and the Chiron both are as hideous as anything that ever rolled out of a shed in someone’s back yard.
It’s a legend, man. The Maserati 250f. Fangio’s baby.
Atari X and O football was the king. And in my heart it still is. Yeah I know, it came out in 1979....
After seeing this...has anyone ever seen FSD beta and Jeremy Clarkson in the same room?
No one said a fucking thing about wanting people to crash. Drive to the conditions and you won’t. It’s been done hundreds of times without incident...these guys are just pampered little twats who have to have everything perfect or they cry like a toddler.
If they’re too stupid to adjust to the conditions, oh well. Races have been run in far worse conditions in cars with far less downforce and gone just fine. Not running this was a big overreaction. Let them race.
Guess Elon got lonely being the only one in the company.
I still way prefer proper hillclimbs. And not just because this one is 25 minutes from my front door. Nothing like a sheer drop to clench those cheeks.
For short, yep.