BoxerFanatic, troublesome iconoclast.

Cougar would be difficult, with Mercury being dead and all...

If that is the only way to get a liftback Mustang...

Ok... If this has to be done... then I hope they do something completely different.

Now playing

Interesting to see racing variants of actually affordable machines take on serious competition, such as Dakar, not just 6 or 7 figure extreme fabricated racing monsters.

So beautiful, but so brutal.

Do you actually think that car will drive more than a few thousand miles in it’s entire lifetime?

No, but evidently you do. Time value of money, and your numbers aren’t even accurate anyway.

And your comeback is petty

You seem to be the one throwing insults around. I am just stating my case.

You do you, Spanner... I am sure it is a fine car.

in the late 80s and early 90's people had discretionary income, and there were a lot of fun cars on the market. It was an economic boom time, and the average household has not had the same buying power since.

as long as you can afford to buy high and sell low. I get the concept, but that can be a high opportunity cost.

The lowest depreciation... is STILL 50% after 5 years, and the 370Z is now 11 model years old, with VERY little in terms of updates in those 11 years.

Nope, not what I am saying.

Not an argument... just a fact.

Possibly, but if BMW can’t get their flagship V8s and V10s to be reliable, I don’t really have a ton of confidence in complex turbocharged systems, either.

Nope, not just you.

After seeing things about BMW V8s eating valvetrain, and BMW V10s turning themselves into junk on the bottom end...

Why would anyone buy a new 86 or BRZ, when they are no different than a depreciated used model?

They are all outside of the mainstream circle in a venn diagram.