“People seem to equate opinion pieces, which fills up a majority of broadcast news, with the report of news/facts which is alarming.”
Reminds me of when Bill O’Reilly defends the “important journalism” he did on “Inside Edition.”
Are you aware of your meme status? And thank you for summing up what’s happened to two of my siblings, who are no longer recognizable to me. I miss them.
Speaking of being 40...
From Tina Fey’s memoir:
All of Letterman’s bits and interviews were tied together by the thread of the absurd. The inanity is what made it cohesive. For the entire hour, you wondered what Dave would do next. Fallon’s thread seems to be overeagerness, which is comedic death.
There was a great moment I think last year where Conan had Ricky Gervais on, and Gervais opened the segment by pointedly saying something like, “Conan, I want everyone to know what a pleasure it always is to come on your show. Because you don’t make me play a game or sing a song. You still know how to conduct an…
A comparison someone recently used that I liked was the difference between being proud of Ulster-Scots (Scots-Irish) heritage and being a member of the Orange Order. Having Ulster-Scots ancestry is cool. Wanting to preserve Ulster-Scots culture, traditions, language, and folklore is cool. Joining an explicitly…
Progressive. MRA. Pick one.
This terrible show is a big moneymaker in syndication, so expect it to live on for a long time.
Viewers at the time didn’t, either. Archie quickly became a conservative icon. Audiences thought the show was about standing up to liberal youth, forcing Lear and the writers to get more on-the-nose with their messaging, particularly at the end of episodes.
A friend who wrote/co-produced a Channing Tatum project says that he’s unfailingly polite, supportive, and eager to learn new skills. A director’s dream, basically. You can throw anything at him and he’ll genuinely try hard until he gets it right.
Mo’Nique was only a “relative nobody” if folks mean “relative to white people.” The fact that the Academy didn’t know who she was had more to do with them (77% white men) than her.
While I tend to come down on Mo’Nique’s side in all of this, both for the reasons you cited and the general treatment of women of color in the industry, there is a minor distinction that’s important to note. She wasn’t asking solely for transportation or minor appearance fees; she was asking for $100,000 per event.…
There’s another proposal to bring back limited bear hunting in Connecticut, and the bill did pass the Environment Committee this session. It hasn’t come up in either chamber, however, and the bill history (https://www.cga.ct.gov/asp/cgabillstatus/cgabillstatus.asp?selBillType=Bill&bill_num=SB00522&which_year=2017) sug…
No, real estate development is definitely at fault. While the population is shrinking, the suburbs continue to rapidly expand. Everyone here wants their own massive home with “strollable” outdoor high-end shopping center nearby. Avon, where this happened, is one of the worst towns for it.
No, DEEP tags bears in both ears on the first capture so you can ID them from either side. The color of the tags corresponds to the year.
It has already lost that game. Twice.
I’ve not been following it closely, but isn’t it looking like the bear hunt is going to pass this year? Or at least it was looking like that...maybe something has changed.