Dump his sorry ass.
Dump his sorry ass.
Walk away.
At this point I'm thinking you deserve the shitstorm coming your way.
When you’re as real as Tony, that’s the result. The only ‘artists’ who achieve that kind of connection with us are the ones who dare to be truly themselves because it resonates. And I feel you.
Watch the shows without shedding a tear? I couldn’t finish this article without a lump in my throat.
Because you felt like you were grabbing food or drinks with him. Something when you do it with your favorite people or places you love makes your best memories. Granted for me it was pizza or cereal and boxed wine but my buddy Tony was with me on the TV.
It’s funny, not ha ha funny, but, you know what I mean, that I was so affected by his death. It was like losing a friend. I don’t tend to feel that way about celebrities, but Bourdain just felt like a guy who I knew.
My brother is a single parent of two girls, 8 and 7. His ex and his in-laws had the kids for 1 week in the summer. When they came home, he said they were reading labels for calorie content. They wrote him an email about the 7 year old and her weight. She is tall and solid, not fat at all. She eats healthy when she’s…
That’s some serious bullshit, I’m sorry you’re already dealing with that kind of nonsense. You can’t protect your daughter from all the toxic messages she’ll hear, but it sounds like you’re already doing a rad fucking job of modeling strong and confident behavior for her. Good luck.
We had a long talk about how fat wasn’t something you are, but rather just something that everyone has. Some people have more and some people have less. And I tried to talk to her about how she is strong and athletic and how her body does exactly what it’s supposed to.
“I truly hope you realize how important setting goals are for young women, teaching them we have so much more to offer than just our bodies,” Moretz wrote.”
That movie looks like a pile of flaming hot garbage and I CANNOT WAIT.
“How do I fix an awkward situation between grandma and the server?”
This story has me grinning. The initiative and kindness of this young man, government actively helping the community, a warm smile and some food that makes lives just a little bit better-everything is great!
Seriously, who are the people who get all worked up over kids selling shit? When I see some kids selling lemonade, I buy a damn cup; and I HATE children.
And to boot, A nice big middle finger to the asshole who complained.
this is how government SHOULD work. granted they just can’t give stuff to everyone for free, but they worked to help this young citizen and educate him on proper food safety instead of just citing rules and codes and shutting him down.
He’s already thinking about next year, according to the Star-Tribune, which notes that he’s hoping to put side “25 cents from every hot dog sale toward raising awareness about youth suicide and depression, something he’s struggled with personally.
I’m smiling right now and this kid hasn’t even given me a hot dog! What a great kid. I hope he flourishes and continues to do what he loves.