
Anthony, a virgin, talking about the foods he’s allergic to: chocolate, ice cream, tree nuts, almonds, cashews, walnuts, peanuts, chestnuts...

only about stupid stuff

Orr not.....


Oh, so you thought she was actually telling you to buy a sheetcake from a bakery and scream into it?

I mean we’ve been ignoring white supremacists and militia groups for 30 years and they haven’t gotten a reaction until this weekend.

Context matters.

“What’s most obnoxious about this clip is how Fey is encouraging people to actively ignore neo-Nazis, by characterizing the protests as “violent” and urging those who might otherwise be encouraged to physically show up to stay at home.”

I already commented but I like this interpretation. If we spent as much time organizing politically as we do dissecting the intentions of liberal comedians, we might actually have a chance at changing things.’s Saturday Night Live, not Charlie Rose. Does it need a blinking light or something?

Maybe I’m just the dummy here, but I took it as her making fun of the inactive people who think they can ignore the problem?

Watching Bortles is like watching somebody watch somebody else doing something—you’re witnessing an event that is happening, but it has very little meaning and leaves you with nothing but the stubborn impression that you could, and should, be doing practically anything else.

Who could have predicted that the president, when given 140 characters to describe a woman who died defending her city from fascists that the adjectives he would use would begin with “beautiful” and not include “brave” or “strong” or “principled” or “righteous”? Oh, everybody could have predicted that? Oh. Okay.

And I read the comments about a guy who read an article about a guy watching a pre-season NFL game, then felt compelled to comment about what a tremendous waste of time every last bit of this is, and how wonderful it is that I can avoid doing actual work by talking about inconsequential things like this.

And why would an owner whine publicly on the receipt before the guest has a chance to tip his own employee better?

These are people that still don’t understand the ‘Streisand effect’.

Some people pointed out that *might* make it an illegal business practice tonight in DC if it wasn’t disclosed up front.

Sorry, Tebow is busy winning baseball games.

Exactly. 3% means that those $35 littlenecks are $o $36. A $60 entrée might go up to $62. Doing it this way is grandstanding and taking a stand that one of the poorer professions shouldn’t get a living wage.

He’s just getting ready for his role in Step Brothers 2.