
This is media corporate synergy. Rubert Murdoch/Fox own both Fox Sports and WSJ.

I was gonna say, you can rent a bulldozer for $600 an hour as a regular shmuck, so construction crews must be able to charge about that to raze that to the ground

Shea’s Statue Removal, at your service. We take all forms of payment, as long as it’s cash.

I know. I know. I hate myself for it, too.

commenter, I served with Raysism. I knew Raysism. Raysism was a friend of mine.

The Bucs’ offering to help pay is an empty gesture. They are only willing to donate $4, or a buck an ear.

It costs $300,000 to bust up a stupid statue?

Finally, we can start the process of punting Raysism.

Good for them. But I’m sure if Tampa police just turned a blind eye, they could find a dozen citizens who would happily do it for free.

The labor wars in sports in the 2020's are gonna be a bloodbath. That giant whooshing sound you hear is money fleeing cable at a rapidly accelerating rate. When rights deals expire in the next decade, the tv stations will pass the decreased revenue to the leagues. Who of course will pass it on to the players. The

nein games.

Assuming that Hitler started gassing Jews since day 1, that makes for 3,153,600 minutes.

Would this be called Godell’s Law, or Goodwin’s Law?

The punishment better be Reich!

Except the transatlantic slave trade had been outlawed for 30 years by the time of the civil war had started. Most of Europe had outlawed it. Most of the Americas had outlawed it. Half of the country had outlawed it. It was no longer morally acceptable. Treason against the US has never been morally acceptable. I don’t

“Ahhh yes. Everyone was doing it! Do you use this defense for everything, or just when you want it to be convenient for you?”

How is this even a conversation. Yes: The Founding Fathers did things that we socially frown upon now. BUT THEY FOUNDED THE FUCKING COUNTRY! Confederates did everything they could to split the country on the basis of maintaining those things HUNDREDS of years later and when there was actually a very large debate

Right...and Pulp Fiction was about a briefcase.

Since Lackey has a second career as the replacement to Frank Oz as voice of Fozzie Bear, I’m surprised he got on via hit, and not a “Walk-a, Walk-a”

John Lackey going happy-go-jackey on the basepaths like a donkey eating a waffle. SWEET SASSY MOLASSY!