
It’s about damn time a college athletics program stood up to borrowing a roommate’s phone culture.

Burgundy will read anything that’s on the teleprompter!

So in this situation specifically I believe that Elliot did commit domestic violence, and that Thomson did attempt to blackmail him. Unfortunately the DA didn’t think they could get a conviction, so did not charge Elliot. The NFL doesn’t have to prove anything ‘beyond a reasonable doubt,’ and I take it they came to

you’re an idiot

Wow, a text message conspiracy to make a millionaire cough up ten thousand dollars. It’s almost like the legal system failed her and she felt she was out of options.

I love the level of thinking here. “We’d all be Millionaires.” Then they discuss selling the tape for 10 or 20k.

Ya.. racism is bad no matter who does it or which side... how could he say that

Hey y’all, we just need to advance the paradigm of team branding through synergistic middle management gibberish, bless our hearts.

So, uh, why didn’t y’all quit?

I read in the Facebook comments on an NPR article about Carhenge in Nebraska. Apparently the eclipse will pass over it and open a portal to the Transformers home world. Then the battle between Auto-bots and Decepticons will spill out into out world. Again, this was in the Facebook comments on an NPR article, so I

Soldiers Field. Where us Bears fans used to watch Alshon Jefferies and now we watch Mitch Trubinsky.

I mean, if that were actually the cost of holding the opinion I do, then sure. Literally no cost to me.

Or Dave Chappelle for the Race Draft.

Or Dream Theater’s original live cover that released on 9/11. It was quickly pulled from shelves and changed.

What a great plug for Kevin Can Wait.

This is about as appropriate as Home Depot’s September 11th sale on box cutters.

The auctioneer looks like he should be starring in a shitty CBS sitcom where he’s married to an impossibly hot wife.

I guess their balance sheet is now ‘Fair and Unbalanced’.

Wish u could have posted 2 min faster. You cost me on my first trump reference in under 30 min.

One would think he’d know when to select a driver but I guess not.