
You have a gift, amigo. Thanks for sharing it.

I read the comments on every article, and often make them. Hell, I skipped this billion word article JUST to read the comments. Why don’t any of us get paid?

how is it different than deadspin?

That’s what I did there.

This isn’t right. Flair said a few years ago that when he dies “it’ll be in this ring or on top of a wild woman.”

I’m posting it because I find it relevant. Quotes, regardless of sources, can be relevant in particular situations. This is one of them. You’re welcome to disagree with my posting, you’re welcome to disagree with the message it represents. Each to his own

Awww...did your feelings get hurt? That’s cute

“It took two days of thoughtful deliberation”

Barrack Husein agrees, lets not jump to conclusions here.

When Hodgkinson went on his shooting spree, did you allow him to be the label of the Left? No. So why do these few idiots get to be the label for the entire Right?

This article just demonstrates *WHY* Trump said there was blame on both sides, because the headline of this piece is right on...*THEY* came for a fight. In this case, BOTH SIDES are “They”. 

From TDK Rises

Hey this is where I get off...

This is pretty rare. Usually in these videos, it’s the MTA fucking the passengers.

Oh, man, and you thought you were getting to signal how virtuous you are.

He’ll never throw another pass in the NFL if I have anything to say about it!

I think I should get my autocorrect looked at while I’m at it.


Look, Greg Hardy tried. Isn’t that enough for you?

The 16th Amendment: The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.

The 16th Amendment.