
PEZ’D, obvs.

it’s time to watch pre-teens do amazing baseball things while thinking, “Hmmmm, are we sure that kid is only 12?”

I heard if you don’t submit a Game of Thrones-related article to the Univision suite of websites by 8:00 Eastern on Monday morning, they smash your hands with a hammer like De Niro did that card cheat in Casino.

Also, this.

As a “curvy” chick (honestly, I like to just call myself a fat girl but people take such issue with that) I’m honestly turned off when a guy makes a big deal about being into curvy girls. I like all types of body types on a dude and I’m not making a point to fucking shout it from the rooftops.


You’re ideas are intriguing to me and I’d like to subscribe to your newsletter.

I wonder how Adam Silver will find out about this. Will he see this on TV, or Willie Reed it in the paper?

“Siri, who holds the Midwest League hitting streak record?”

“...holds a deeper meaning that very few people understand.”


“Yeaaaaaah buoy.”

This, exactly. This is why I was not mad at all about that memo. It seemed like it was written by a very tired man. Plus, there are days when I want to send that letter out to everyone in the world...I feel ya, Steve.

Maybe...and this might be crazy, they were friends lol.

I’m talking about the countless Cubans who fled their home country because of Castro, the large number that still can’t see their families stuck in Cuba, the countless Cubans that paraded the streets of Miami as news broke that Fidel Castro had died as the dictator that had personally affected so many lives finally

“Yeah, man. No stomach for risk at all. They need to just stop waiting for everyone else to make the first move and just jump in. Have they learned nothing from my brother Leroy?”

I like to call its La Crocks

It’s very simple, really. Boomers were lucky enough to be born into the single greatest period of widely distributed economic prosperity human history has ever known—one bolstered by just about everything the state can do to distribute those advantages across all socioeconomic groups (progressive taxation,

I don’t care that they’ve thrived. They have no right to be here and the law needs to be enforced. And the people who brought them here should be punished because allowing this only encourages more.

The only one who did it right was Al Bundy.

Look, none of you are considering another crucial element of the law: which base he made it to. It makes a big difference.