
So are you from Naperville or Schaumburg?

Yeah, what a heads up play.

The distance he had to go to make the catch is a very good sign for the pitcher; it means that the ball didn’t impart all of its potential energy to Ray’s skull. The scariest ones are when the ball hits and just falls right there.

And that right there, folks, is the highest foul pop off a pitcher’s head caught for an out in the Statcast Era.

Gone like a whirling darvish.

Shhh, just don’t bother. The people think their cute little jokes that make literally EVERYTHING out to be sexist (and are actually sexist (reverse sexist?) themselves) are funny. But they’re not. So your mistaking their genuineness is understandable.

Just want to take this opportunity to again say a big Fuck You to the Union ownership, who have yet to follow through on a single one of the promises they made while fleecing Pennsylvania for cash to build their stadium.

Further proof that union employees get paid more for doing less. Sad.

Covfefe’s law...

Woah now Zika virus, slow down! You’re only supposed to show up during election season so politicians can use you to fear monger more votes!

Was there really no way to create caged lanes or something

I will personally dump a chum covered Phelps in the ocean if you make sure every article referring to the WWE includes quotes around any words suggesting the results are not scripted, i.e.,  a “wrestler” “defeated” another “wrestler” to “win” a “championship belt.”

Geraldo’s next show better involve actual treasure from Al Capone’s vault too.

Did they even look for the stripper who was wearing it?

instructions unclear. currently driving roommate to ER with dishes lodged in their cavities. please advise.

Rule #1 when making a listicle is start off with reasonable entries that get people reading it and then include entries to piss as many people off as possible. Rageclickbait.

Even worse, we saw how confused he was at Comey’s hearing. Why do we allow people with illnesses that effect thought to vote?

Better a Lucky Whitehead than a lucky blackhead, am I right?

Say what you will about Rose, he does always seem to have a strong supporting cast around him.

I think it had more to do with the 9 catches in two years.