
Looks like that Uber driver was the one who had it coming, amirite?

I’m hanging onto SI for two reasons: I am not paying for it to come to my house, and I won’t be sad if I drop SI in the can.

“Twin Peaks”, the porn parodies aren’t even trying to be creative with the movie titles these days.

Fortunately he missed Dee’s nuts

I admire Lebron for taking control of his career in a way no player ever has. But the thing is, he’s kinda bad at it. Compare the way the roster was filled in Miami, when Riley had more control versus Cleveland, which is essentially Lebron’s decisions. His success in Cleveland is more Lebron the player overcoming the

I’m good with well-considered, coherent criticism.

maybe you aren’t aware of this, but you’re on a very public web site with a high level of visibility. A web site that spends half of its day shaming the fuck out of women for how they look - and praising the fuck out of a male writer (Bobby Finger) who does it AT LEAST once a day. This very web site and its commenters

dog arm left. Gusty winds from the south.”

He certainly doesn’t deserve to be thrown in with trashy royal gossip.

Yeah, somebody knew something. And my hunch is that once the administrators saw the news report about the one minute phone call, they went back and looked at all of the numbers they allowed Freeze to redact. I’ll bet there were a lot more of these calls in the redacted numbers. That’s just my hunch.

So what you’re saying is you’re flagging me for a false start?

You could say the driver was blindsided

“Whether it works or not, one thing is clear: Carmelo Anthony is willing to do anything to leave the Knicks.”

I wonder if his first order of business will be doing the fandango?

So long as I get my 37 pieces of flair.

Now playing

That’d just lead to a new and exciting way to judge other people. Don’t think I can’t see what you’re trying to pull here.

I wear Metcons. They are plain white, with a gum sole. I wear them because I used to wear Converse all-stars for lifting (deadlifts, squats, olympic lifts) but found those to be not so great for anything involving jumping or flexing of the sole (box jumps, sled pushing, etc.). The Metcons were an easily available

Not Abad pitch in the end

Maybe she put the Freeze on in the bedroom. Hugh knows? She may Nutt be the one to kiss and tell.

Or, as we ladies read that, “currently unemployed”.