
Hopefully that fire doesn’t get out of hand. I don’t know how he’d be able to explain the damage to his wives.

Let’s not offend anyone by calling out the religion of peace again. If you just pretend they aren’t raping people, the problem will go away. Meanwhile, you can go through your normal mental gymnastics that you wouldn’t bother with had the perpetrators been white Christian males.

Today the Great Salt Lake is even saltier.

Hot Convict sounds like a crayon color too.

billy haisley is hot garbage.

Clearly a Dapper Dan Man. Therefore New Orleans (or possibly Memphis).

Gordon, Wayward

Come to Canada, wait for 3.5 years to get a big surgery then tell me how It’s not evil. Most people die on the waiting list.

Yeah, because I’m sure she did that deliberately, screaming with glee and laughing maniacally as she picked her target and fucking floored it, man!

Survivor’s Guilt and a sense of responsibility for the death of an innocent person are tough to handle for damn near anybody. To have to deal with it and answer questions about it in a very public forum would be much tougher.

<begin pedantry>

I’m just going to say what our neuro-oncologist at Mayo Clinic told me. A benign brain tumor can still kill you. I’m glad she had surgery and was able to have her tumor removed, but benign brain tumors can still be very dangerous.

I would watch this movie happily and then listen to the How Did This Get Made episode.

Au contraire. The O.J. jersey is the perfect answer!

I note that this fellow has been married at least six times and now O.J. is engaged again to be married again. Says he wants to take another stab at it.


Lowry is the second most overrated player in the league. Right behind Chandler Parsons.

Oh For Fucks Sake

Tebow. Even if he dies, he’ll just rise again in three days.

Flutie seems like the best choice when your only option is a Hail Mary.

That’s umping the right way!

If you think this country is so bad, why do you want people to come here?