
That’s true, even if it feels a little flippant to say so. My brother’s biomom had a massive heart attack at her job... on the cardiac floor of a major hospital. The fact that there was 0 time lost waiting for ambulance or traffic is one of the main reasons she was able to recover so well.

Let the takes of the hot variety begin.

At least it’s a good place to be shot? Doctors at a hospital in the Bronx have dealt with lots of gunshot wounds.

Used to do this real dick move at the bars where if a girl who I wasn’t interested in asked for my number, I’d give her the number of a guy I knew and hated. Jimmy just gave out Gar Forman’s number

I guess Harden is an upgrade over DeAndre in those State Farm commercials. So there’s that.

Both sides push their own bias and finding factual centrist news is insanely difficult nowadays. No one on Jezebel is going to agree with that though.

Come on, there’s no reason to flag someone for having a dumb opinion. Especially when he was, if not polite, at least not antagonistic.



“Presidents Clinton”

That’s because there’s nothing to flag. Having a different opinion is not harassment. Address his argument, don’t just censor him

Bigger question is will Hillary Rotten Clinton ever go away?

She might want to, but the Times brought back the false idea that she motivated the Giffords shooting. Hard to go away when you appear in the Times.

I am unsure of many things, but I am certain of this: The far-left media does not report the News objectively, and people are onto it. Get a second opinion, for the left’s goal is pushing a deformed propaganda that demonizes President Trump and other good people, and misleads naive readers to believe things that are

At this point, in fairly certain Mr. Met is just channeling his inner Mr. Bill

Gsucks to be them

Don’t bring a pellet gun to a gunfight.

Ya, it was pretty lowest common denominator. But, someone had to say it, and turns out I was the guy this time!

Dammit! I wanted to make that joke!

Good work JPP. One and a half thumbs up!