
Covfefe’s Law.

Don’t worry, Magic will have his AIDS look into it.

Don’t Judge.

The Greeks should sign Colin Kaepernick.

Rallies like this are more likely to land Kaepernick a job than any highlight reel or stat sheet that he has.

I think he makes Miami better and that they should have signed him before Tannehill went down.

 If you think Cutler is bad, it’s OK.

If Kaepernick was smart (I think he is an MPS product, like me so probably not) he would never play another down of football. In fact never pick up a football casually.

Different times, I guess.

Glad you are putting that English major to use.

The eastern empire did not fall because they didn’t make the Southerners tear down their Pyramids.

You mispelled Deadspin.

Covfefe’s Law.

What should we do about the Islamic-supremacists though?

Covfefe’s Law.

It is her evil plan. She bought stock in cake and wants us to eat it.

I would say even longer than that.

If you think that response or that reaction is what they want, why would you give it to them?

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, etc. have a lot more influence than however many white supremacists can gather in any location.

Covfefe’s Law.