
Judge Judy?

Whoa Fellow!

Chelsea should sign Colin Kaepernick.

Don’t talk to me Bro!

Covfefe’s Law.


That could be a good idea or put a cap on the deductibility of C-level salary.

It is sort of a weird thing. He wanted everyone to see his little protest over the minimum wage issue but by doing that he calls attention to the service charge.

Michael Bennett was half right when he said no white players have joined the Anthem protests to this point.

2.5 million dollars?

How many gift baskets would it cost Jeter to get antifa to knock it down?

Didn’t you hear?

Looks like his career is receding faster than his........

Good job champ, you “won” the internet.

Don’t hang your head so low fellow, you will meet someone who understands and accepts your whimsical thoughts.

The WSJ should sign Colin Kaepernick.

Wolf Blitzer would have you think that this was a copycat of the Charlottesville ramming.

I’m just saying that if you think this is the base of Trump supporters then you are wrong.

If Trump took away the guns wouldn’t he get more support from the left?

Trump thanks them for the five votes.