
PEDS are strangely missing from the list.


3. Getting hit by a car.

Words have meaning. Your statement was that they are prohibited from joining unions, which you know is untrue.

The Marlins should have signed Colin Kaepernick.

I hope she does too. She hasn’t shown remorse yet for her crimes, I don’t expect her to start anytime soon.

That is kind of interesting, so is the call to boycott SB Nation as readers gone out yet? Are the readers supporting this business model guilty as well?

......Even Wal-Mart workers in America who are prohibited from joining a union.......

This wasn’t a Holocaust memorial, it was a cheap cultural memory.

I’ve assumed nothing.

Oh shit!

Found the racist asshole.

Was it urine stained?

That’s Incredible!

Covfefe’s Law.

Covfefe’s Law.

I hope Colin Kaepernick is affordable.

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