
Clayton Bigsby would like to talk to you.

News Tribune should have signed Colin Kaepernick.

Remember when Trump called ISIS the JV team?

Joking aside about all things leading to Trump. ..

ESPN was able to get away with a lot more shenanigans than Fox and has not paid nearly as much.

Covfefe’s Law.

Covfefe’s Law.

I hope Gizmodo is paying him more than they are paying me.

Hello Pot, this is Kettle, why did you call me?

Yes. No. No.

Meh, Colin Kaepernick would have made that shot from 435 feet. NBD.

You are 100% correct except for this.......

They have a Tide for that.

I think the media is definitely part of the problem for Kaepernick.

It’s almost like we shouldn’t have statues of anyone.

I think even if we were in some strange world that we were all blonde haired and blue eyed there would still be factions within those groups.

It’s funny that you say this under the anonymity of “trlergrl”.

40 acres and a mule, the original government hand out.

Remember the six poor cops in Dallas at the Black Lives Matter rally?