
Covfefe’s Law.

Ian Poulter is probably wrong here but the official has not virtue signalled about the events in Virginia this weekend so I don’t know if I can support his decision.

Oh really?

Covfefe’s Law.

Covfefe’s Law.

Steve McNair

Covfefe’s Law.

Yes. Congress should make some kind of law that discourages domestic violence.

Why are you making a mountain out of a Dick Hill?

Fuck baseball.

Women say that sense of humor is the most important thing in a man but 177 negative comments about a guy that is clearly joking either means that that is a lie or that there is just no accounting for humor.

Are the white women threatening you?

Can we at least acknowledge that it is some of the illegal immigrants that are doing the rapping?

Your money?

I don’t see where it says they are being paid.

I agree.

Are they eating your lunch?

You forgot about Russia, Berniebros and the armed guards at the Wisconsin border to make Hillary wouldn’t campaign there.

Virtual signal spotted.

It’s a lowest common denominator type comment.