
Covfefe’s Law.

The 2017 editions of WYTS should include the category:

The Clippers should have signed Colin Kaepernick, he hasn’t beat anyone in years.

I was surprised to see Colin Kaepernick’s name on the list.

Google should hire Colin Kaepernick, he is the hero that can solve all of their problems.

Guys, if we just give Colin Kaepernick a chance he would break this record too.

Has Usain Bolt ever beaten Colin Kaepernick in a race?

Covfefe’s Law.

At least he wasn’t telling the girls to smile.

Dortmond should have signed Kaepernick.

Colin Kaepernick would have taken a knee.

Yes. It is 100% based on talent.

That’s tan Adolf Hitler with a bald wig on.

Or, you got it wrong and Steve Harvey is not a homophobe.

Covfefe’s Law.

I’m not the moron that brings Trump into every topic that has nothing to do with Trump.

In Florida, they just call this cohabitation.

Good, so you are agreeing that talent is playing into the situation for Kaepernick.

I don’t think he could trade him for Diamond Stone.

My point was, if pleasing white fans was the only criteria of being in the league, Tim Tebow would still be playing, at least that’s the opinion of every white guilt-laden Deadspin commentor.