
I don’t know if Dick Sherm knows this but Ryan Fitzpatrick graduated from Harvard.

I feel like Tim Tebow would still have a job in this league if that was the only criteria.

CK is bad.

Covfefe’s Law.

Covfefe’s Law., we were talking about Jay Cutler being a really good fit in Miami.

I know that reference.

The players should demand that Jay Cutler is signed somewhere.

Covfefe’s Law.

Sure, Chicago has tough La Croix laws but the Indiana and Wisconsin La Croix are killing all of the people on the city’s south side.

Haters wanna hate.

I think your mom is politely suggesting that you have done some questionable things and that she still supports you.

Covfefe’s Law.

Covfefe’s Law.

Covfefe’s Law.

That has been disproven many times over. Illegal immigration IS a stress on the financial system.

I’m sorry for some the responses to your comment that I am seeing down thread.

It sounds like you are doing a lot of fucking or are wishing others to do a lot of fucking for you. In either case, good job assimilating.

It started as a joke but this Pete Rose thing happened (allegedly) at the same time the other things happened, in the free love 60's and 70's.

You picked Nugent out of that list but here’s an honest question for you, why do think there is not the same outrage for the rest of the people on the list who (alledgedly) are statutory rapists?