
I wish I had three hands so I could give your comment three thumbs down!

What about the other hippies?

Shut up you asshole! Those are liberals and that was free love, this is Pete Rose and that must have been gross.

My good Lord, the trans community lost an important person today.

+ 1 upper decker.

Barack Hussein Obama.

Get out of here with your Rays-ist comment.

Counterpoint: no.

Time to hit the upper decker.


Is it weird to anyone that the girl chose the paddle over detention?

Say what you will about Aaron Hernandez but he did kill Aaron Hernandez.

Is it the most talented, gifted, strong armed and quick afoot quarterback that was on the free agent market this off-season?

Covfefe’s Law.

I think this would only have been cool if Gio immediately did a mountain of blow on the pitcher’s mound and then tried to swim to home plate.

NAL, but there are degrees of murder. Murder in the 1st would require premeditation. Murder in the 2nd gets dicey and 3rd does not require premeditation at all.

It’s exactly how Deadspin would portray him if he was white.

The issue in Seatle is that a new stadium was three years away, no local ownership could change that or speed that up.

And God bless George Petak.

Todd Helton